Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy returns...

The daily Jane has been on vacation for some time.  See, I was busy (see previous post); I've been losing myself, finding myself, trying to accept there's very little self know, general parenthood-ing...

It's been a great 2 years with Jack, love of my life, very difficult job, being a mom.  Now, we have another jewel on the way, due in December; in fact, only about 3 weeks until he's ready to emerge though when is up to him...we'll just wait & be patient.

Also, I've finished residency, finally.  Moved away from beautiful Alaska with my James, & after many travels, ended up  in Portland, Oregon, kinda where things left off about 10 years ago, in a different life.  I'm a practicing family physician in a rural community near Portland, like it.  Challenging.  Better than residency for sure.  
Jane, James, Jack:  camping

It took a couple of years to come to grips with this new life.  Leaving education & training behind after, what??, 20 years (I was jogging toward that goal since the 90s or something)...its weird not to have a "goal" anymore, to have achieved, no more chasing, hoop jumping.  Just living now...kind of a bummer at first.  I'm a forward/goal making person.  Now I have to be an enjoying/relaxing person--which I'm managing, "a lady of leisure".  Still my creative bug is starting to buzz.  Part of that is writing about whatever the hell I want.  I don't care if you care, blogs are for the person writing them, in my opinion.  This blog is just for me...

Typically, I'm pretty complainy on this blog, I'll try to continue to be a little asshole-ish; I like that, I'm not so much that way in my day to day though my job could handle it if I was--you know doctors are stereotypically douchy but I like being nice to people if I can, more smiles in a 10 hour shift is good for my soul.