Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Advice on the great move forward....TEXAS translation: Why you keep bringin' up old shit?

Step #1: Dissolution of your delusion-you gotta figure out the delusion first....this requires honesty....something that many long standing delusionists lack....I don't know what to tell you about that-I don't know, ask a friend to help you figure out the delusion- I'll bet you my medical degree that everyone else is wise to your delusion...except little ol' youuuu.....

TEXAS translation: Stop being a nut bag, its never gonna happen & everyone's talkin' about ya like yo' cheese done slid off yo' cracka...."....& eventually your drama becomes boring too...& Texans don't like's too short!

Step #2: Grasp self respect-you can usually tell you're at that step when you hear yourself saying something & the next thought in your mind is, "I just totally compromised my entire person".

TEXAS translation: What the hell did I just say?--& the other person is looking at you with disgust because you have no backbone....& if you were talking too long, they may look blank because their off chasing rabbits in their mind...

Step #3: Self realization-are you an innately happy or depressed person?

TEXAS translation: Are you "well, al' right, al' right..." or are you a tit sucker?

Step #4: Awake from your self absorbed smog cloud & remember that you fucked up yesterday by being a self-loathing lunatic-but, if you're waking up, you got another chance....

TEXAS translation: It's not all about you! Quit fuckin' around....

Step #5: Eat something, that always makes one feel better.

TEXAS translation: bbq pork ribs & Texas toast...& pecan pie....yeah, that'll work for breakfast....if you're vegetarian, as I am a poor one,....that means "oh you don't eat meat-I don't understand....I make chicken."

Step #6: Cry

TEXAS translation: A Texas female-mascara running all over the place, very dramatic, something may get torn up.... a Texas male-a nat flew in my eye....

Step #7: Meditate-on nothing....

TEXAS translation: Fishing.

Step #8: Smile really big, (unless you have fucked up yellow teeth & then ya may just wanna grin)....well, then grin on...

TEXAS translation: Smile-even if you only have gums...its beautiful! Oh please, who am I kidding, Texas has fluoride in their water....we all have gorgeous teeth....

Step #9: Observe the objective data...

TEXAS translation: The writing's on the wall dude-everyone's moved on except you....

Step #10: Careful, its a thin line....don't mistake movement for still & present.

TEXAS translation: " I want to move to the big city of Dallas....but I don't know....the traffic's bad, there's a lot a crime....I don't know...."....I'll move to Tyler instead....(sorry, only the Texas peeps will get that one)

JANE translation on the whole thing: When I have reflected on 10 years past & measured my regrets against my present....I imagine my regrets would only be those things I did not risk....I feel I have risked a lot....thoughts that make me sad-I do not recount as regrets....I regard them as reminders that I am ALIVE! Self examination is ugly & liberating.....get some for yourself....

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